Call to Order
Safety Briefing Staff will provide general safety instruction.
Commissioner Opening Comments
Additional Item
Approval of Minutes of the June 24, 2015 workshop meeting and the June 25, 2015 regular meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission
Discussion Item Development of the 2016 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) (Presentation) The UTP is a 10-year statewide plan for transportation project development. Staff will provide an update on the ongoing development of the 2016 program.
Metrics (Presentation) Overview of status and process underway to review TxDOT's vision, mission, values, goals and related strategic performance metrics; and the process to respond to the requirements of HB 20.
Grand Parkway Transportation Corporation Reappoint directors to the Grand Parkway Transportation Corporation (MO) The commission authorized the creation of the corporation and appointed three directors to the corporation’s board in March 2012 for initial terms expiring August 31, 2015. This minute order approves the reappointment of three directors to the corporation’s board for terms expiring August 31, 2021.
Aviation Various Counties - Award federal and state grant funding for airport improvement projects at various locations (MO) Federal law authorizes the award of federal funding to preserve and improve the state's general aviation system. State law authorizes the award of state funding for capital improvement projects. The airports listed in Exhibit A are eligible for award of these grant funds and the department seeks approval of the awards.
Public Transportation Various Counties - Award federal §5310 Formula Grants for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program funds, and award transportation development credits for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program to various public transportation providers. Transportation development credits are awarded to various transportation agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal and state funds to designated lead agencies and fiscal agents to support continuation of coordinated regional public transportation planning for FY 2016 and FY 2017 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order are financed with federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration and state matching funds. Funding is awarded to locally designated lead agencies and fiscal agents to fund their efforts in continuing public transportation planning.
Various Counties - Award federal §5304 Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning Program funds and state match, federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds, federal §5311(f) Formula Grants for Rural Areas Intercity Bus Transportation Program funds, §5311(b)(3) Rural Transit Assistance Program funds, and state grant funds for the FY 2015 coordinated call for projects, and award transportation development credits (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from several Federal Transit Administration programs and state match to various entities and public transportation providers responding to a coordinated program request for proposal. Transportation development credits are awarded to various agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal §5339 Bus and Bus Facilities program funds and transportation development credits to transportation providers for capital projects (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5339 Bus and Bus Facilities program to various public transportation providers. Transportation development credits are awarded to various transportation agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds and transportation development credits to rural transit districts for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program and transportation development credits to rural public transportation providers for a formula allocation based on vehicle revenue miles.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds to rural transit districts for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect an allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program to rural transit agencies to address impacts of the 2010 Census beyond the formula-based awards previously awarded by the Texas Transportation Commission in March 2015.
Promulgation of Administrative Rules Under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, and the Administrative Procedure Act, Government Code, Chapter 2001: Proposed Adoption Chapter 10 - Ethical Conduct by Entities Doing Business with the Department Amendments to §10.6, Conflict of Interest (General Provisions) (MO) The legislature has adopted a new contracting law for state employees. The department is updating its rules on Ethical Conduct for Entities Doing Business with the Department to define the employment of certain former state employees who participated in the procurement or negotiation of a contract with the entity as a conflict of interest.
Compliance Office Compliance Office report State law requires the commission to establish a compliance program, which must include a compliance office to oversee the program. The compliance office is responsible for acting to prevent and detect serious breaches of department policy, fraud, waste, and abuse of office, including any acts of criminal conduct within the department. The compliance office is required to provide a monthly report to the commission regarding investigations and a summary of information relating to trends and recommendations.
Finance and Financial Assistance for Projects Travis and Williamson Counties - Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute the Central Texas Turnpike System Supplemental Amending Indenture dated August 1, 2015 relating to the financial reporting process and purchase of liability insurance (MO) This minute order changes the Central Texas Turnpike System (system) annual financial reporting requirement from the current two year comparative format to one year; authorizes the department to purchase director and officer liability insurance in connection with the system in the amount and including the terms as determined by the chief financial officer on behalf of the commission.
Travis County - Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority - Consider granting final approval of an application from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) to receive a grant in the amount of up to $143,444,248 from the State Highway Fund, which includes $117,394,248 of funds previously allocated by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, plus the value of right of way which has been requested to be transferred from the Texas Department of Transportation to CTRMA, to pay the costs of constructing US 183 South - Bergstrom Expressway, which will include both tolled and non-tolled lanes (MO) The US 183 South - Bergstrom Expressway is approximately 8 miles in length and would include three new tolled lanes and three improved non-tolled general purpose lanes in each direction between US 290 and SH 71 with direct connectors at US 183 and SH 71, and improvements on SH 71 adjacent to US 183. The project also includes a proposed sidewalk and shared-use path within the right of way adjacent to the roadway and an outside bike lane.
Traffic Operations Brazos County - Authorize temporary one-way or reversible lane operations for a section of FM 2154 between FM 2347 and FM 2818 (MO) Authorize temporary reassignment of lane operations including possible one-way operation or reversible operation on a section of FM 2154 during Texas A&M University home football game events at Kyle Field in College Station, Texas.
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. a. Highway Maintenance and Department Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal.
Eminent Domain Proceedings Various Counties - Authorize the filing of condemnation proceedings to acquire real property by eminent domain for non-controlled and controlled access highways (see attached itemized list) (MO) Commission findings, determinations, and authorizations for the state, by motion made in accordance with Senate Bill 18 (82nd Legislature), to acquire by eminent domain, upon the payment of adequate and just compensation, various ownership interests in specific parcels of real property that are needed to develop or improve both non-controlled and controlled access state highways, to include requesting the state attorney general to bring and pursue condemnation suits relating to those specific parcels of real property described in the attached itemized list.
Routine Minute Orders and Reports a. Donations to the Department Various Districts - Consider the acknowledgment of donations made to the department to include: (a) donations in any form, including realty, personalty, money, materials, or services, which are made to the department for the purpose of carrying out its functions and duties; and (b) donations from landowners, with land adjacent to a highway that is part of the state highway system, to construct an improvement on the highway right-of-way that is directly related to improving access to or from the owner’s land. (See attached itemized list) (MO) The donations will ensure the safety of the traveling public. b. Real Estate Dispositions The commission must approve the sales, transfers, and exchanges of state rights of way and other real properties that are no longer needed for a state highway purpose. It must also approve, accept and acknowledge donations to the state of real property that is valued at $500 or more. (1) Colorado County - US 90A at SH 71 in Altair - Consider the sale of right of way to the abutting landowner (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The abutting landowner has requested to purchase the land, and it may be sold to the abutting owner. (2) Henderson County - SH 198 north of FM 3062 - Consider the exchanges of easements for new right of way (2 MOs) The fee owners of two properties have requested the release of portions of existing drainage and right of way easements and have granted new right of way to the state for realignment of highway and drainage facilities. The district has determined that the portions of the existing easements are no longer needed for highway purposes and recommends the exchanges. The minute orders provide for the exchanges and acknowledge the acceptance of donations of value to the state. (3) Mitchell County - US 80 (BI 20K), north side of UPRR tracks west of Loraine - Consider the sale of right of way to the abutting landowners (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The abutting landowners have requested to purchase the land, and it may be sold to the abutting owners. (4) Nueces County - SP 3, west side, north of Pharoah Drive in Corpus Christi - Consider the transfer of right of way to Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (TAMU) (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes and that future maintenance on the property exceeds the value of the land. Payment may be waived if the land is transferred to a governmental entity. TAMU is a governmental entity and has requested that the land be transferred to TAMU. (5) Williamson County - FM 685 at Carl Stern Boulevard in Hutto - Consider the sale of a drainage easement (MO) The district has determined that the easement is no longer needed for highway purposes. The property owner has requested to purchase the easement, and it may be sold to the owner. c. Reports Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the Report of Actual Traffic and Revenue for the Central Texas Turnpike System (CTTS) (MO) Report of actual traffic and revenue for the CTTS as of May 31, 2015. d. Finance (1) Obligation Limit Report Quarterly status report on the FY 2015 Obligation Limit, the actual obligations utilized through the current month, proposed remaining highway maintenance and construction contract letting for the fiscal year and an update on motor fuel tax receipts (Report) This report will provide the current overall obligation status, by district and metropolitan planning organization, of the FY 2015 Obligation Limit and will also provide the anticipated effect on the obligation limit of remaining proposed highway maintenance and construction letting. The report will also provide an update on motor fuel tax receipts, including estimated versus actual receipts fiscal year to date, and any potential impact on letting volume. (2) Quarterly report on FY 2015 State Highway Fund 6 cash status (Report) This report updates the commission on the year-to-date cash balance and activity of Fund 6. The report will include original projections and actual revenues/inflows and expenditures/outflows on a cash basis. (3) Accept the Quarterly Investment Report (MO) This minute order recognizes the commission's acceptance of the quarterly investment report for investments of funds relating to financing of the Central Texas Turnpike System and held by the Bank of New York Mellon, acting as trustee. e. Transportation Planning (1) Various Counties - Concurrence with the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' funding of construction and other project development costs of projects to be advanced through the use of payments received from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the right to develop, finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the SH 121 toll project from Business SH 121 in Denton County to US 75 in Collin County (MO) The department has established a separate fund to account for and track projects and project costs funded with the SH 121 payments. This minute order authorizes the funding of additional projects costs with those payments. The project costs to be funded were selected through a cooperative process with the Regional Transportation Council. (2) Various Counties - Concurrence with the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' funding of construction and other project development costs of projects to be advanced through the use of payments received from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the right to develop, finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the SH 161 toll project from I-20 to SH 183 in Dallas County (MO) The department has established a separate fund to account for and track projects and project costs funded with the SH 161 payments. This minute order authorizes the funding of additional projects costs with those payments. The project costs to be funded were selected through a cooperative process with the Regional Transportation Council. f. Highway Designations Hill County - Near the community of Mount Calm, redesignate SH 31 as Business State Highway 31-K (MO) This minute order redesignates a segment of SH 31 as Business State Highway 31-K from 0.3 miles south of FM 339 to 0.5 miles north of FM 339, a distance of approximately 0.8 miles. g. Speed Zones Various Counties - Establish or alter regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state (MO) This minute order establishes or alters regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state.
Acknowledgment of Service Recognize by resolution Lonnie J. Gregorcyk, P.E., District Engineer, Corpus Christi District, for his 31 years of service to the department
15. Executive Session Pursuant to Government Code, Chapter 551 Section 551.071 - Consultation with and advice from legal counsel regarding any item on this agenda or about pending or contemplated litigation. OPEN COMMENT PERIOD - At the conclusion of all other agenda items, the commission will allow an open comment period, not to exceed one hour, to receive public comment on any other matter that is under the jurisdiction of the department. No action will be taken. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Speakers must be signed up prior to the beginning of the open comment period. Adjourn
Call to Order
Safety Briefing Staff will provide general safety instruction.
Commissioner Opening Comments
Additional Item
Approval of Minutes of the June 24, 2015 workshop meeting and the June 25, 2015 regular meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission
Discussion Item Development of the 2016 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) (Presentation) The UTP is a 10-year statewide plan for transportation project development. Staff will provide an update on the ongoing development of the 2016 program.
Metrics (Presentation) Overview of status and process underway to review TxDOT's vision, mission, values, goals and related strategic performance metrics; and the process to respond to the requirements of HB 20.
Grand Parkway Transportation Corporation Reappoint directors to the Grand Parkway Transportation Corporation (MO) The commission authorized the creation of the corporation and appointed three directors to the corporation’s board in March 2012 for initial terms expiring August 31, 2015. This minute order approves the reappointment of three directors to the corporation’s board for terms expiring August 31, 2021.
Aviation Various Counties - Award federal and state grant funding for airport improvement projects at various locations (MO) Federal law authorizes the award of federal funding to preserve and improve the state's general aviation system. State law authorizes the award of state funding for capital improvement projects. The airports listed in Exhibit A are eligible for award of these grant funds and the department seeks approval of the awards.
Public Transportation Various Counties - Award federal §5310 Formula Grants for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program funds, and award transportation development credits for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program to various public transportation providers. Transportation development credits are awarded to various transportation agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal and state funds to designated lead agencies and fiscal agents to support continuation of coordinated regional public transportation planning for FY 2016 and FY 2017 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order are financed with federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration and state matching funds. Funding is awarded to locally designated lead agencies and fiscal agents to fund their efforts in continuing public transportation planning.
Various Counties - Award federal §5304 Statewide and Nonmetropolitan Transportation Planning Program funds and state match, federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds, federal §5311(f) Formula Grants for Rural Areas Intercity Bus Transportation Program funds, §5311(b)(3) Rural Transit Assistance Program funds, and state grant funds for the FY 2015 coordinated call for projects, and award transportation development credits (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from several Federal Transit Administration programs and state match to various entities and public transportation providers responding to a coordinated program request for proposal. Transportation development credits are awarded to various agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal §5339 Bus and Bus Facilities program funds and transportation development credits to transportation providers for capital projects (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5339 Bus and Bus Facilities program to various public transportation providers. Transportation development credits are awarded to various transportation agencies to assist with the match of federal funds for capital projects.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds and transportation development credits to rural transit districts for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program and transportation development credits to rural public transportation providers for a formula allocation based on vehicle revenue miles.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program funds to rural transit districts for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect an allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Program to rural transit agencies to address impacts of the 2010 Census beyond the formula-based awards previously awarded by the Texas Transportation Commission in March 2015.
Promulgation of Administrative Rules Under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, and the Administrative Procedure Act, Government Code, Chapter 2001: Proposed Adoption Chapter 10 - Ethical Conduct by Entities Doing Business with the Department Amendments to §10.6, Conflict of Interest (General Provisions) (MO) The legislature has adopted a new contracting law for state employees. The department is updating its rules on Ethical Conduct for Entities Doing Business with the Department to define the employment of certain former state employees who participated in the procurement or negotiation of a contract with the entity as a conflict of interest.
Compliance Office Compliance Office report State law requires the commission to establish a compliance program, which must include a compliance office to oversee the program. The compliance office is responsible for acting to prevent and detect serious breaches of department policy, fraud, waste, and abuse of office, including any acts of criminal conduct within the department. The compliance office is required to provide a monthly report to the commission regarding investigations and a summary of information relating to trends and recommendations.
Finance and Financial Assistance for Projects Travis and Williamson Counties - Authorize the Chief Financial Officer to execute the Central Texas Turnpike System Supplemental Amending Indenture dated August 1, 2015 relating to the financial reporting process and purchase of liability insurance (MO) This minute order changes the Central Texas Turnpike System (system) annual financial reporting requirement from the current two year comparative format to one year; authorizes the department to purchase director and officer liability insurance in connection with the system in the amount and including the terms as determined by the chief financial officer on behalf of the commission.
Travis County - Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority - Consider granting final approval of an application from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) to receive a grant in the amount of up to $143,444,248 from the State Highway Fund, which includes $117,394,248 of funds previously allocated by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, plus the value of right of way which has been requested to be transferred from the Texas Department of Transportation to CTRMA, to pay the costs of constructing US 183 South - Bergstrom Expressway, which will include both tolled and non-tolled lanes (MO) The US 183 South - Bergstrom Expressway is approximately 8 miles in length and would include three new tolled lanes and three improved non-tolled general purpose lanes in each direction between US 290 and SH 71 with direct connectors at US 183 and SH 71, and improvements on SH 71 adjacent to US 183. The project also includes a proposed sidewalk and shared-use path within the right of way adjacent to the roadway and an outside bike lane.
Traffic Operations Brazos County - Authorize temporary one-way or reversible lane operations for a section of FM 2154 between FM 2347 and FM 2818 (MO) Authorize temporary reassignment of lane operations including possible one-way operation or reversible operation on a section of FM 2154 during Texas A&M University home football game events at Kyle Field in College Station, Texas.
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. a. Highway Maintenance and Department Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal.
Eminent Domain Proceedings Various Counties - Authorize the filing of condemnation proceedings to acquire real property by eminent domain for non-controlled and controlled access highways (see attached itemized list) (MO) Commission findings, determinations, and authorizations for the state, by motion made in accordance with Senate Bill 18 (82nd Legislature), to acquire by eminent domain, upon the payment of adequate and just compensation, various ownership interests in specific parcels of real property that are needed to develop or improve both non-controlled and controlled access state highways, to include requesting the state attorney general to bring and pursue condemnation suits relating to those specific parcels of real property described in the attached itemized list.
Routine Minute Orders and Reports a. Donations to the Department Various Districts - Consider the acknowledgment of donations made to the department to include: (a) donations in any form, including realty, personalty, money, materials, or services, which are made to the department for the purpose of carrying out its functions and duties; and (b) donations from landowners, with land adjacent to a highway that is part of the state highway system, to construct an improvement on the highway right-of-way that is directly related to improving access to or from the owner’s land. (See attached itemized list) (MO) The donations will ensure the safety of the traveling public. b. Real Estate Dispositions The commission must approve the sales, transfers, and exchanges of state rights of way and other real properties that are no longer needed for a state highway purpose. It must also approve, accept and acknowledge donations to the state of real property that is valued at $500 or more. (1) Colorado County - US 90A at SH 71 in Altair - Consider the sale of right of way to the abutting landowner (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The abutting landowner has requested to purchase the land, and it may be sold to the abutting owner. (2) Henderson County - SH 198 north of FM 3062 - Consider the exchanges of easements for new right of way (2 MOs) The fee owners of two properties have requested the release of portions of existing drainage and right of way easements and have granted new right of way to the state for realignment of highway and drainage facilities. The district has determined that the portions of the existing easements are no longer needed for highway purposes and recommends the exchanges. The minute orders provide for the exchanges and acknowledge the acceptance of donations of value to the state. (3) Mitchell County - US 80 (BI 20K), north side of UPRR tracks west of Loraine - Consider the sale of right of way to the abutting landowners (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The abutting landowners have requested to purchase the land, and it may be sold to the abutting owners. (4) Nueces County - SP 3, west side, north of Pharoah Drive in Corpus Christi - Consider the transfer of right of way to Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (TAMU) (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes and that future maintenance on the property exceeds the value of the land. Payment may be waived if the land is transferred to a governmental entity. TAMU is a governmental entity and has requested that the land be transferred to TAMU. (5) Williamson County - FM 685 at Carl Stern Boulevard in Hutto - Consider the sale of a drainage easement (MO) The district has determined that the easement is no longer needed for highway purposes. The property owner has requested to purchase the easement, and it may be sold to the owner. c. Reports Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the Report of Actual Traffic and Revenue for the Central Texas Turnpike System (CTTS) (MO) Report of actual traffic and revenue for the CTTS as of May 31, 2015. d. Finance (1) Obligation Limit Report Quarterly status report on the FY 2015 Obligation Limit, the actual obligations utilized through the current month, proposed remaining highway maintenance and construction contract letting for the fiscal year and an update on motor fuel tax receipts (Report) This report will provide the current overall obligation status, by district and metropolitan planning organization, of the FY 2015 Obligation Limit and will also provide the anticipated effect on the obligation limit of remaining proposed highway maintenance and construction letting. The report will also provide an update on motor fuel tax receipts, including estimated versus actual receipts fiscal year to date, and any potential impact on letting volume. (2) Quarterly report on FY 2015 State Highway Fund 6 cash status (Report) This report updates the commission on the year-to-date cash balance and activity of Fund 6. The report will include original projections and actual revenues/inflows and expenditures/outflows on a cash basis. (3) Accept the Quarterly Investment Report (MO) This minute order recognizes the commission's acceptance of the quarterly investment report for investments of funds relating to financing of the Central Texas Turnpike System and held by the Bank of New York Mellon, acting as trustee. e. Transportation Planning (1) Various Counties - Concurrence with the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' funding of construction and other project development costs of projects to be advanced through the use of payments received from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the right to develop, finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the SH 121 toll project from Business SH 121 in Denton County to US 75 in Collin County (MO) The department has established a separate fund to account for and track projects and project costs funded with the SH 121 payments. This minute order authorizes the funding of additional projects costs with those payments. The project costs to be funded were selected through a cooperative process with the Regional Transportation Council. (2) Various Counties - Concurrence with the Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments' funding of construction and other project development costs of projects to be advanced through the use of payments received from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the right to develop, finance, design, construct, operate and maintain the SH 161 toll project from I-20 to SH 183 in Dallas County (MO) The department has established a separate fund to account for and track projects and project costs funded with the SH 161 payments. This minute order authorizes the funding of additional projects costs with those payments. The project costs to be funded were selected through a cooperative process with the Regional Transportation Council. f. Highway Designations Hill County - Near the community of Mount Calm, redesignate SH 31 as Business State Highway 31-K (MO) This minute order redesignates a segment of SH 31 as Business State Highway 31-K from 0.3 miles south of FM 339 to 0.5 miles north of FM 339, a distance of approximately 0.8 miles. g. Speed Zones Various Counties - Establish or alter regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state (MO) This minute order establishes or alters regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state.
Acknowledgment of Service Recognize by resolution Lonnie J. Gregorcyk, P.E., District Engineer, Corpus Christi District, for his 31 years of service to the department
15. Executive Session Pursuant to Government Code, Chapter 551 Section 551.071 - Consultation with and advice from legal counsel regarding any item on this agenda or about pending or contemplated litigation. OPEN COMMENT PERIOD - At the conclusion of all other agenda items, the commission will allow an open comment period, not to exceed one hour, to receive public comment on any other matter that is under the jurisdiction of the department. No action will be taken. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Speakers must be signed up prior to the beginning of the open comment period. Adjourn