Safety Briefing Staff will provide general safety instruction.
Approval of Minutes of the January 29, 2015 regular meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission
Commissioner Opening Comments
Recognize by resolution Mike Alford, P.E., District Engineer, Houston District, for his 33 years of service to the department
Recognize by resolution Jorge Garcés, Director, International Relations Office, for his 24 years of service to the state
Resolution Recognizing Chief Financial Officer James Bass
Resolution Recognizing Chief Financial Officer James Bass
Commissioner Recognitions a. Recognition of Chairman Houghton b. Recognition of Commissioner Underwood
Project Update on SH 249 Extension in Grimes County (Presentation) Staff will provide a presentation on the current planning, environmental and project development activities for the proposed SH 249 extension in Grimes County.
Report from the Office of Federal Affairs (Presentation) Staff will provide a brief presentation on the commission’s federal priorities and recent activity in the department's Office of Federal Affairs, including an overview of anticipated Congressional action in 2015.
Montgomery County - Consider the approval of a project agreement with Montgomery County Toll Road Authority relating to the development, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of SH 249 from the Montgomery/Harris county line to FM 1774 just west of the Montgomery/Grimes county line (MO) Pursuant to Transportation Code §373.006 the department and the local toll project entity may enter into a toll project agreement that identifies the responsibilities of each party for project-related activities and provides an alternative to the primacy determination process under Subchapter B of Chapter 373, Transportation Code. This agreement has been negotiated between the department and Montgomery County Toll Road Authority and is being presented to the commission for final approval.
Harris County - Approve the selection of the proposer who submitted the best value proposal to develop, design, construct, finance, maintain, and operate the SH 288 Toll Lanes Project in Harris County from US 59 to a terminus at approximately the county line between Harris and Brazoria counties, and authorize the executive director of the department to execute a comprehensive development agreement with the selected proposer (MO) (Presentation) On January 31, 2014, the department issued a request for proposals to develop, design, construct, finance, maintain and operate the SH 288 Toll Lanes Project from US 59 to a terminus at approximately the county line between Harris and Brazoria counties. The department has completed its review and evaluation of proposals and is presenting its best value recommendation to the commission.
Various Counties - Approve the selection of the proposer who submitted the best value proposal to develop, design, construct, and maintain the SH 360 Project from just south of I-20 to US 287 in Ellis, Johnson, and Tarrant counties, and authorize the executive director of the department to execute a Design-Build Agreement with the selected proposer (MO) (Presentation) On September 8, 2014, the department issued a request for proposals to develop, design, construct, and maintain the SH 360 Project. The SH 360 Project includes the design, construction, and, at the election of the department, maintenance of approximately 9.7 miles of improvements to SH 360, generally from Green Oaks Boulevard to US 287. The improvements include two toll lanes in each direction from approximately two miles south of I-20 near East Sublett Road/Camp Wisdom Road to East Broad Street and one toll lane in each direction with periodic passing lanes from East Broad Street to US 287, in addition to frontage road and intersection improvements. The department has completed its review and evaluation of proposals and is presenting its best value recommendation to the commission.
Texas Transportation Plan 2040 Adopt the Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2040 (MO) Federal and state law require the department to develop a performance-based, statewide, multimodal, and intermodal plan for passengers and freight. This minute order adopts the TTP 2040 as the department’s updated statewide long-range transportation plan.
Various Counties - Award federal §5317 New Freedom grant program funds to the Texas State Independent Living Council (MO) This minute order awards $5,000 of §5317 funds to the Texas State Independent Living Council funding an initiative of outreach and education to be provided to the rural Centers for Independent Living (CILS) regarding local public transportation providers and practices to assist the CILS in meeting their transportation related program goals.
Various Counties - Award funds to the Central Texas Rural Transit District to offset expenses for the 2015 Texas Transit Association Bus Roadeo (MO) The awards identified in this minute order support the 2015 Texas Transit Association Bus Roadeo. Grant awards are provided to the Central Texas Rural Transit District for their specific role in this event to provide technical assistance and logistical support.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas program funds for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas program to rural public transportation providers.
Promulgation of Administrative Rules Under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, and the Administrative Procedure Act, Government Code, Chapter 2001: a. Final Adoption (1) Chapter 4 - Employee Practices (MO) Amendments to §4.31, Definitions, §4.33, Prohibited Conduct, §4.36, Testing, §4.37, Test Results, §4.39, Refusal to Test, §4.41, Voluntary Admissions, §4.43, Employees Who Drive for the Department, and §4.44, Commercial Drivers, Safety-Sensitive Employees, and Vessel Crewmembers (Substance Abuse Program) Proposed changes to the Substance Abuse Program Rules include random drug and alcohol testing for safety-impact employees, expanded criteria for reasonable-cause testing for all department employees, increased time requirement for termination for a second alcohol- or drug-related driving offense, and drug testing for all commercial driver, safety-impact and vessel crewmember job transfers or promotions resulting from a job requisition.
Chapter 16 - Planning and Development of Transportation Projects (MO) Amendments to §16.153, Funding Categories, and §16.154, Transportation Allocation Funding Formulas (Transportation Funding) The proposed amendments to §16.153 and §16.154 provide greater flexibility in the methods used for distributing funds through the department’s Unified Transportation Program and ensure resulting projects are implemented efficiently and in alignment with current transportation system needs, considering the guiding principles identified by the House Select Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures and Finance as well as the recommendations of the Proposition 1 Stakeholder Committee.
Unified Transportation Program (UTP) Approve updates to the 2015 UTP (MO) The UTP is a 10-year statewide plan for transportation project development. The commission approved the 2015 UTP in August and revisions to the 2015 UTP in November 2014. This minute order updates funding allocations to include the distribution of Proposition 1 funding in fiscal year 2015 and authorizes funding on priority projects. In addition, this minute order addresses revisions to project specific program lists and includes other minor revisions or technical corrections. This minute order also includes a report on transportation development credit balances and all administrative revisions previously incorporated into the UTP.
Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Investigations Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Investigations Report State law requires the commission to establish a compliance program, which must include a compliance office to oversee the program. The compliance office is responsible for acting to prevent and detect serious breaches of department policy, fraud, waste, and abuse of office, including any acts of criminal conduct within the department. The compliance office is required to provide a monthly report to the commission regarding investigations and a summary of information relating to trends and recommendations.
Texas Mobility Fund Dallas County - Dallas Area Rapid Transit - Approve a request from Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a grant in the amount of $60 million for capital costs relating to capital improvements on the DART Red and Blue Light Rail Transit Lines along US 75; I-35E; SS 366; I-30 and I-345 in Dallas County, including the design and construction of: (1) extensions to station platforms to accommodate longer trains and allow for operational flexibility; and (2) the raising of station platforms to provide level boarding at all train doors to enhance accessibility, with funding from the Texas Mobility Fund established pursuant to Section 49-k, Article III, Texas Constitution (MO) This minute order will provide funds for the award of a Texas Mobility Fund grant to DART for state participation in the costs of design and construction of capital improvements on the DART Red and Blue Light Rail Transit Lines.
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. a. Highway Maintenance and Department Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. b. Highway and Transportation Enhancement Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Eminent Domain Proceedings Various Counties - Authorize the filing of condemnation proceedings to acquire real property by eminent domain for non-controlled and controlled access highways (see attached itemized list) (MO) Commission findings, determinations, and authorizations for the state, by motion made in accordance with Senate Bill 18 (82nd Legislature), to acquire by eminent domain, upon the payment of adequate and just compensation, various ownership interests in specific parcels of real property that are needed to develop or improve both non-controlled and controlled access state highways, to include requesting the state attorney general to bring and pursue condemnation suits relating to those specific parcels of real property described in the attached itemized list.
Routine Minute Orders and Reports
15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports a. Donations to the Department Various Districts - Consider the acknowledgment of donations made to the department to include: (a) donations in any form, including realty, personalty, money, materials, or services, which are made to the department for the purpose of carrying out its functions and duties; and (b) donations from landowners, with land adjacent to a highway that is part of the state highway system, to construct an improvement on the highway right-of-way that is directly related to improving access to or from the owner’s land. (See attached itemized list) (MO) The donations will ensure the safety of the traveling public. b. Real Estate Dispositions and Donations The commission must approve the sales, transfers, and exchanges of state rights of way and other real properties that are no longer needed for a state highway purpose. It must also approve, accept and acknowledge donations to the state of real property that is valued at $500 or more. (1) Bexar County - SL 368 and SS 537 in San Antonio - Consider the amendment of Minute Orders 114170 and 114173, dated December 18, 2014, to provide for the issuance of Project Acceptance Letters prior to removal of the subject segments from the system and transfer of jurisdiction, control and maintenance to the city (MO) Minute Orders 114170 and 114173 provided for the removal of the referenced segments from the system and transfer of jurisdiction, control and maintenance to the city of San Antonio. The district has determined that the removal and transfer should not be effective until certain work has been completed on the respective roadways. This minute order amends the prior orders to provide that the removal and transfer will be effective upon the issuance of Project Acceptance Letters. (2) Clay County - SH 148 at US 287 south of Henrietta - Consider the sale of a right of way easement to the fee owner of the property (MO) The district has determined that the easement is no longer needed for highway purposes. The property owner has requested to purchase the easement, and it may be sold to the owner. (3) Kaufman County - US 80 at FM 548 in Forney - Consider the sale and quitclaim of right of way to the city of Forney (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The city has requested to purchase the portions of land owned by the state. Other local governmental entities have declined interest in purchasing the land, and it may be sold to the city. A portion of the land has been used by the state. There is no record title in the state’s name, and it may be quitclaimed to the city. 15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports c. Reports (1) Various Counties - Approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report on the Economically Disadvantaged Counties Program (MO) This report documents the use of matching funds and local incentives as well as the savings to counties participating in the Economically Disadvantaged Counties Program. State law requires the commission to provide an annual report on the program to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. (2) Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the Report of Actual Traffic and Revenue for the Central Texas Turnpike System (CTTS) (MO) Report of actual traffic and revenue for the CTTS as of November 30, 2014. d. Transportation Planning Midland Odessa Metropolitan Planning Organization Various Counties - Approve revisions to the Midland-Odessa Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) metropolitan planning area boundary (MO) Federal law requires that a metropolitan planning area boundary cover the existing urbanized area and the contiguous geographic area expected to become urbanized within a 20-year forecast period covered by the MPO’s metropolitan transportation plan. The boundary may be expanded to encompass the entire metropolitan statistical area. Revisions to metropolitan planning area boundaries must be approved by the governor who has delegated the authority to approve such changes to the Texas Transportation Commission. Martin County and the Midland-Odessa MPO Policy Board have agreed to include a portion of Martin County in the Midland-Odessa metropolitan planning area. e. Innovative Financing/Debt Management (1) Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the State Highway Fund revenue bonds (MO) Under provisions of the Supplemental Resolutions to the Master Resolution for the State Highway Fund bonds, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. (2) Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the Texas Mobility Fund (MO) Under provisions of the Supplemental Resolutions to the Master Resolution for the Texas Mobility Fund, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. (3) Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the Central Texas Turnpike System (MO) Under provisions of the Indenture of Trust for the Central Texas Turnpike System bonds, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. f. Highway Designations Fort Bend County - Remove the designation of SH 122 from the state highway system, in its entirety, from SH 6 southwestward to the proposed alignment of SH 99 (MO) This minute order removes the designation of SH 122 from the state highway system, in its entirety, from SH 6 southwestward to the proposed alignment of SH 99, a distance of approximately 11 miles. 15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports g. Speed Zones Various Counties - Establish or alter regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state (MO) This minute order establishes or alters regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state.
OPEN COMMENT PERIOD - At the conclusion of all other agenda items, the commission will allow an open comment period, not to exceed one hour, to receive public comment on any other matter that is under the jurisdiction of the department. No action will be taken. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Speakers must be signed up prior to the beginning of the open comment period.
Final Remarks
Safety Briefing Staff will provide general safety instruction.
Approval of Minutes of the January 29, 2015 regular meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission
Commissioner Opening Comments
Recognize by resolution Mike Alford, P.E., District Engineer, Houston District, for his 33 years of service to the department
Recognize by resolution Jorge Garcés, Director, International Relations Office, for his 24 years of service to the state
Resolution Recognizing Chief Financial Officer James Bass
Resolution Recognizing Chief Financial Officer James Bass
Commissioner Recognitions a. Recognition of Chairman Houghton b. Recognition of Commissioner Underwood
Project Update on SH 249 Extension in Grimes County (Presentation) Staff will provide a presentation on the current planning, environmental and project development activities for the proposed SH 249 extension in Grimes County.
Report from the Office of Federal Affairs (Presentation) Staff will provide a brief presentation on the commission’s federal priorities and recent activity in the department's Office of Federal Affairs, including an overview of anticipated Congressional action in 2015.
Montgomery County - Consider the approval of a project agreement with Montgomery County Toll Road Authority relating to the development, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of SH 249 from the Montgomery/Harris county line to FM 1774 just west of the Montgomery/Grimes county line (MO) Pursuant to Transportation Code §373.006 the department and the local toll project entity may enter into a toll project agreement that identifies the responsibilities of each party for project-related activities and provides an alternative to the primacy determination process under Subchapter B of Chapter 373, Transportation Code. This agreement has been negotiated between the department and Montgomery County Toll Road Authority and is being presented to the commission for final approval.
Harris County - Approve the selection of the proposer who submitted the best value proposal to develop, design, construct, finance, maintain, and operate the SH 288 Toll Lanes Project in Harris County from US 59 to a terminus at approximately the county line between Harris and Brazoria counties, and authorize the executive director of the department to execute a comprehensive development agreement with the selected proposer (MO) (Presentation) On January 31, 2014, the department issued a request for proposals to develop, design, construct, finance, maintain and operate the SH 288 Toll Lanes Project from US 59 to a terminus at approximately the county line between Harris and Brazoria counties. The department has completed its review and evaluation of proposals and is presenting its best value recommendation to the commission.
Various Counties - Approve the selection of the proposer who submitted the best value proposal to develop, design, construct, and maintain the SH 360 Project from just south of I-20 to US 287 in Ellis, Johnson, and Tarrant counties, and authorize the executive director of the department to execute a Design-Build Agreement with the selected proposer (MO) (Presentation) On September 8, 2014, the department issued a request for proposals to develop, design, construct, and maintain the SH 360 Project. The SH 360 Project includes the design, construction, and, at the election of the department, maintenance of approximately 9.7 miles of improvements to SH 360, generally from Green Oaks Boulevard to US 287. The improvements include two toll lanes in each direction from approximately two miles south of I-20 near East Sublett Road/Camp Wisdom Road to East Broad Street and one toll lane in each direction with periodic passing lanes from East Broad Street to US 287, in addition to frontage road and intersection improvements. The department has completed its review and evaluation of proposals and is presenting its best value recommendation to the commission.
Texas Transportation Plan 2040 Adopt the Texas Transportation Plan (TTP) 2040 (MO) Federal and state law require the department to develop a performance-based, statewide, multimodal, and intermodal plan for passengers and freight. This minute order adopts the TTP 2040 as the department’s updated statewide long-range transportation plan.
Various Counties - Award federal §5317 New Freedom grant program funds to the Texas State Independent Living Council (MO) This minute order awards $5,000 of §5317 funds to the Texas State Independent Living Council funding an initiative of outreach and education to be provided to the rural Centers for Independent Living (CILS) regarding local public transportation providers and practices to assist the CILS in meeting their transportation related program goals.
Various Counties - Award funds to the Central Texas Rural Transit District to offset expenses for the 2015 Texas Transit Association Bus Roadeo (MO) The awards identified in this minute order support the 2015 Texas Transit Association Bus Roadeo. Grant awards are provided to the Central Texas Rural Transit District for their specific role in this event to provide technical assistance and logistical support.
Various Counties - Award federal §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas program funds for FY 2015 (MO) The awards identified in this minute order reflect the allocation of federal grant funds from the Federal Transit Administration §5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas program to rural public transportation providers.
Promulgation of Administrative Rules Under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, and the Administrative Procedure Act, Government Code, Chapter 2001: a. Final Adoption (1) Chapter 4 - Employee Practices (MO) Amendments to §4.31, Definitions, §4.33, Prohibited Conduct, §4.36, Testing, §4.37, Test Results, §4.39, Refusal to Test, §4.41, Voluntary Admissions, §4.43, Employees Who Drive for the Department, and §4.44, Commercial Drivers, Safety-Sensitive Employees, and Vessel Crewmembers (Substance Abuse Program) Proposed changes to the Substance Abuse Program Rules include random drug and alcohol testing for safety-impact employees, expanded criteria for reasonable-cause testing for all department employees, increased time requirement for termination for a second alcohol- or drug-related driving offense, and drug testing for all commercial driver, safety-impact and vessel crewmember job transfers or promotions resulting from a job requisition.
Chapter 16 - Planning and Development of Transportation Projects (MO) Amendments to §16.153, Funding Categories, and §16.154, Transportation Allocation Funding Formulas (Transportation Funding) The proposed amendments to §16.153 and §16.154 provide greater flexibility in the methods used for distributing funds through the department’s Unified Transportation Program and ensure resulting projects are implemented efficiently and in alignment with current transportation system needs, considering the guiding principles identified by the House Select Committee on Transportation Funding, Expenditures and Finance as well as the recommendations of the Proposition 1 Stakeholder Committee.
Unified Transportation Program (UTP) Approve updates to the 2015 UTP (MO) The UTP is a 10-year statewide plan for transportation project development. The commission approved the 2015 UTP in August and revisions to the 2015 UTP in November 2014. This minute order updates funding allocations to include the distribution of Proposition 1 funding in fiscal year 2015 and authorizes funding on priority projects. In addition, this minute order addresses revisions to project specific program lists and includes other minor revisions or technical corrections. This minute order also includes a report on transportation development credit balances and all administrative revisions previously incorporated into the UTP.
Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Investigations Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Investigations Report State law requires the commission to establish a compliance program, which must include a compliance office to oversee the program. The compliance office is responsible for acting to prevent and detect serious breaches of department policy, fraud, waste, and abuse of office, including any acts of criminal conduct within the department. The compliance office is required to provide a monthly report to the commission regarding investigations and a summary of information relating to trends and recommendations.
Texas Mobility Fund Dallas County - Dallas Area Rapid Transit - Approve a request from Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) for a grant in the amount of $60 million for capital costs relating to capital improvements on the DART Red and Blue Light Rail Transit Lines along US 75; I-35E; SS 366; I-30 and I-345 in Dallas County, including the design and construction of: (1) extensions to station platforms to accommodate longer trains and allow for operational flexibility; and (2) the raising of station platforms to provide level boarding at all train doors to enhance accessibility, with funding from the Texas Mobility Fund established pursuant to Section 49-k, Article III, Texas Constitution (MO) This minute order will provide funds for the award of a Texas Mobility Fund grant to DART for state participation in the costs of design and construction of capital improvements on the DART Red and Blue Light Rail Transit Lines.
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. a. Highway Maintenance and Department Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Contracts Award or reject contracts for maintenance, highway and building construction These proposed minute orders contain information concerning the receipt of bids for highway improvement contracts. The department may reschedule receipt of bids for those projects where the commission rejects all bids. Those bids accepted by the commission will result in conditional contract awards to the low bidders. Contract award conditions may involve securing funding from other sources, the contractor's ability to satisfy federal DBE subcontracting requirements, or other requirements as outlined in the project bid proposal. b. Highway and Transportation Enhancement Building Construction (see attached itemized list) (MO)
Eminent Domain Proceedings Various Counties - Authorize the filing of condemnation proceedings to acquire real property by eminent domain for non-controlled and controlled access highways (see attached itemized list) (MO) Commission findings, determinations, and authorizations for the state, by motion made in accordance with Senate Bill 18 (82nd Legislature), to acquire by eminent domain, upon the payment of adequate and just compensation, various ownership interests in specific parcels of real property that are needed to develop or improve both non-controlled and controlled access state highways, to include requesting the state attorney general to bring and pursue condemnation suits relating to those specific parcels of real property described in the attached itemized list.
Routine Minute Orders and Reports
15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports a. Donations to the Department Various Districts - Consider the acknowledgment of donations made to the department to include: (a) donations in any form, including realty, personalty, money, materials, or services, which are made to the department for the purpose of carrying out its functions and duties; and (b) donations from landowners, with land adjacent to a highway that is part of the state highway system, to construct an improvement on the highway right-of-way that is directly related to improving access to or from the owner’s land. (See attached itemized list) (MO) The donations will ensure the safety of the traveling public. b. Real Estate Dispositions and Donations The commission must approve the sales, transfers, and exchanges of state rights of way and other real properties that are no longer needed for a state highway purpose. It must also approve, accept and acknowledge donations to the state of real property that is valued at $500 or more. (1) Bexar County - SL 368 and SS 537 in San Antonio - Consider the amendment of Minute Orders 114170 and 114173, dated December 18, 2014, to provide for the issuance of Project Acceptance Letters prior to removal of the subject segments from the system and transfer of jurisdiction, control and maintenance to the city (MO) Minute Orders 114170 and 114173 provided for the removal of the referenced segments from the system and transfer of jurisdiction, control and maintenance to the city of San Antonio. The district has determined that the removal and transfer should not be effective until certain work has been completed on the respective roadways. This minute order amends the prior orders to provide that the removal and transfer will be effective upon the issuance of Project Acceptance Letters. (2) Clay County - SH 148 at US 287 south of Henrietta - Consider the sale of a right of way easement to the fee owner of the property (MO) The district has determined that the easement is no longer needed for highway purposes. The property owner has requested to purchase the easement, and it may be sold to the owner. (3) Kaufman County - US 80 at FM 548 in Forney - Consider the sale and quitclaim of right of way to the city of Forney (MO) The district has determined that the land is no longer needed for highway purposes. The city has requested to purchase the portions of land owned by the state. Other local governmental entities have declined interest in purchasing the land, and it may be sold to the city. A portion of the land has been used by the state. There is no record title in the state’s name, and it may be quitclaimed to the city. 15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports c. Reports (1) Various Counties - Approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report on the Economically Disadvantaged Counties Program (MO) This report documents the use of matching funds and local incentives as well as the savings to counties participating in the Economically Disadvantaged Counties Program. State law requires the commission to provide an annual report on the program to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. (2) Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the Report of Actual Traffic and Revenue for the Central Texas Turnpike System (CTTS) (MO) Report of actual traffic and revenue for the CTTS as of November 30, 2014. d. Transportation Planning Midland Odessa Metropolitan Planning Organization Various Counties - Approve revisions to the Midland-Odessa Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) metropolitan planning area boundary (MO) Federal law requires that a metropolitan planning area boundary cover the existing urbanized area and the contiguous geographic area expected to become urbanized within a 20-year forecast period covered by the MPO’s metropolitan transportation plan. The boundary may be expanded to encompass the entire metropolitan statistical area. Revisions to metropolitan planning area boundaries must be approved by the governor who has delegated the authority to approve such changes to the Texas Transportation Commission. Martin County and the Midland-Odessa MPO Policy Board have agreed to include a portion of Martin County in the Midland-Odessa metropolitan planning area. e. Innovative Financing/Debt Management (1) Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the State Highway Fund revenue bonds (MO) Under provisions of the Supplemental Resolutions to the Master Resolution for the State Highway Fund bonds, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. (2) Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the Texas Mobility Fund (MO) Under provisions of the Supplemental Resolutions to the Master Resolution for the Texas Mobility Fund, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. (3) Travis and Williamson Counties - Accept the annual continuing disclosure report for the Central Texas Turnpike System (MO) Under provisions of the Indenture of Trust for the Central Texas Turnpike System bonds, the commission agreed to provide annual updates for operating and financial information provided in the official statements. Updates are due within six months of each fiscal year end. f. Highway Designations Fort Bend County - Remove the designation of SH 122 from the state highway system, in its entirety, from SH 6 southwestward to the proposed alignment of SH 99 (MO) This minute order removes the designation of SH 122 from the state highway system, in its entirety, from SH 6 southwestward to the proposed alignment of SH 99, a distance of approximately 11 miles. 15. Routine Minute Orders and Reports g. Speed Zones Various Counties - Establish or alter regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state (MO) This minute order establishes or alters regulatory and construction speed zones on various sections of highways in the state.
OPEN COMMENT PERIOD - At the conclusion of all other agenda items, the commission will allow an open comment period, not to exceed one hour, to receive public comment on any other matter that is under the jurisdiction of the department. No action will be taken. Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Speakers must be signed up prior to the beginning of the open comment period.
Final Remarks